This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by any companies mentioned here. For any issues with third party packs or your synth, please contact the vendor your purchased them from. If you encounter any issues installing your SoundGhost MicroFreak presets, you can contact us via our Contact form. If you wish to install or create other wavetable banks, all you need to do create a new bank and drag and drop Wav files onto the Wavetable list, and then drag them over to your MicroFreak bank. Please be aware that if the wavetables are installed in an alternate order or not installed at all, some presets will not sound as they were designed. Ensure that you install them in the correct order so the presets sound correct.

Drag and drop the Wavetables from the left to the right, just like we did with presets which will install them onto your MicroFreak. You’ll then see a ‘Drift’ bank of Wavetables.